MA Certificates

The SCJ typicially offers several graduate-level courses related to particular topics. Completion of all courses in a defined set allows for a student to apply for a certificate in that area of study.

All graduate-level students (M.A., Ph.D., J.D., or equivalents) at Rutgers University, already admitted to degree programs are eligible to earn certificates.

Students interested in receiving a certificate must submit an application form to the SCJ prior to completing their degree program. There is no fee to apply. The application serves as a student’s declaration of intent to complete a particular certificate program. The SCJ’s Academic Programs and Student Services (APSS) retains this record. Students may apply for more than one certificate.

Verification and formalization: Prior to graduation, students request a “certificate audit.” APSS will review students’ transcripts to verify that certificate program requirements were met. Names of verified students are forwarded to the MA Committee for affirmation vote to “issue” the certificate(s). Certificates are produced and then signed by the MA Director and the SCJ Dean. Certificates will include the recipient’s name, certificate program name, and date of completion. A historical record of certificates issued will be maintained by the SCJ. Certificates will only be issued concurrently with graduate-level degree conferment. Certificates cannot be earned without degree completion.

Recent Certificates Offered

Certificates listed here are illustrative. Specific certificates available in a given academic year will vary. They may not be offered every year or may be delivered with variations. Other certificates, not listed here, may become available.

Data Analysis and Statistics

This certificate provides a more advanced level of training in statistical analysis than is conventionally offered in a criminal justice MA program. It will benefit MA students who will pursue a data-intensive career, as well as those who are considering applying to a doctoral program. The courses will include training in Stata and R and provide students with exposure to programming, an essential skill in the broader data science field.

Titles of required courses (recommended in order):

  1. Introductory Statistics (27:202:542); Data Analysis and Management (27:202:523) serves as a substitute.
  2. Intermediate Statistics (27:202:543)
  3. Advanced Statistics (27:202:641)

Financial Crime

As technology exponentially advances, the sophistication of financial crime schemes does as well. Many of these crimes go undetected. Many of those that are uncovered have done extensive financial damage to their victims. It is also likely that financial crimes play an unrecognized role in violent crimes and terrorism. Both the private and public sectors need people uniquely trained to identify, understand, investigate, and prevent all types of financial crime.

Titles of required courses (recommended in order):

  1. Accounting and Financial Basics: US/World Financial Overview /Governance & Compliance /Advanced Analytics (27:202:513 or 27:202:562)
  2. Financial Crime I: Compendium of Financial Crimes /Fraud Examination, CyberCrime (27:202:513 or 27:202:562)
  3. Financial Crime II: Anti-Money Laundering (AML) /Anti-Bribery and Corruption / Sanctions (27:202:513 or 27:202:562)

Spatial Analysis for Public Safety and Security

Offers students access to methods and techniques for understanding crime patterns and improving public safety. Teaches GIS (geographic information system) skills needed to identify problems, analyze geospatial data, and engage in data-informed problem-solving. Empowers students to independently develop strategies that can be employed to reduce and prevent crime. Recommended for students who are interested in pursuing a career in data analysis, intelligence analysis, public safety, security, or asset protection.

Titles of required courses (recommended in order):

  1. Data Analysis and Management (27:202:523)
  2. Foundations in GIS for Crime Mapping and Public Safety (27:202:605)
  3. Risk Terrain Modeling -or- GIS for Public Safety 2 (27:202:513 or 27:202:562)
  4. Risk-Based Policing -or- Place-Based Community Crime Prevention (27:202:513 or 27:202:562)

Mediation and Dispute Resolution (not offered in 2024-2025)

Students gain practical experience learning to mediate and negotiate disputes and conflicts through in-class, clinical, and supervised court-mandated municipal mediations. The classes provide the skills necessary to become a municipal court mediator. The three courses utilize the human-center approach and the New Jersey Court facilitative model of transformative mediation. They will hone the soft skills required to navigate conflict in the workplace and in society, providing transferable and technical training useful for further education and diverse professional working environments.

Titles of required courses (recommended in order):

  1. Mediation Training (27:202:513 or 27:202:562)*
  2. Advanced Mediation Theory, Practice & Training (27:202:513 or 27:202:562)
  3. Criminal Justice Mediation Clinic in Dispute Resolution (27:202:513 or 27:202:562)

*Mediation Training is a prerequisite for Advanced Mediation Theory, Practice & Training.