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February 16, 2023

US Associate Attorney General Cites Work of RU’s NPSC

On Tuesday, the U.S. Associate Attorney General Vanita Gupta gave an impassioned shout-out to Rutgers University – Newark and the Newark Public Safety Collaborative (NPSC) during her opening remarks at the Department of Justice OJP ‘Community Violence Intervention & Prevention Initiative’ national conference in St. Louis.

Watch the clip (at 32:45 – 33:30 minutes) and the entire opening ceremony via https://www.justice.gov/live

“Last year, our Bureau of Justice Assistance funded a new effort called “Reimagining Justice,” a phrase that captures exactly what we’re trying to achieve. Through a grant to the Newark Public Safety Collaborative, based out of Rutgers University, we are supporting an effort to test new community safety strategies that complement traditional enforcement measures. The mission is to put data and research into the hands of community stakeholders so they can be part of the design and development of community safety solutions. “

Associate AG Gupta’s full transcript:


Alex Santana is there as an invited presenter, scheduled to deliver remarks at two separate sessions. He will be discussing the use of Risk Terrain Modeling for DICE via the NPSC model.

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