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Predicting Crime Through Incarceration

Funding Agency: National Institute of Justice

Principal Investigator: Todd Clear

Abstract: he purpose of this project is to fill in this gap by examining the impact of level of prison cycling—the removal of people for incarceration and their eventual return—on those places, with a specific focus on the relationship between incarceration and crime. The study is rooted in the social science tradition that views crime... Learn More


Detection of Crime, Resource Deployment, and Predictors of Success. A Multi-Level Analysis of CCTV in Newark, NJ

Funding Agency: National Institute of Justice

Principal Investigator: Joel Caplan

Co-Principal Investigator: Leslie Kennedy, Eric Piza (Newark Police Department)

Abstract: This project seeks to fill gaps in knowledge on the use of CCTV by law enforcement through the creation of “transferable lessons” largely absent in the current literature. The proposal calls for a multi-level analysis of the Newark, NJ Police Department’s video surveillance system. The analysis is separated into three components. The first component... Learn More


Race, Place & Discretion in the Handling of Drug-Free Zone Charges

Funding Agency: National Science Foundation (NSF)

Principal Investigator: Dr. Elizabeth Griffiths

Co-Principal Investigator: Kay Levine, Volkan Topalli, Joshua Hinkle

Abstract Since the 1980s, all states have passed “drug-free zone” laws providing added penalties for offenders charged with distributing, or possessing with the intent to distribute, any controlled substance in public locations surrounding schools, parks, and public housing. These laws are intended to keep illicit substances out of areas where children congregate, protect children from... Learn More


Collaborative Research: Broadening Participation and Perspectives in the Study of Crime and Justice

Funding Agency: National Science Foundation (NSF)

Principal Investigator: Dr. Jody Miller

Co-Principal Investigator: Dr. Rod K. Brunson

Abstract This proposal continues the successful collaboration of a group of scholars from diverse backgrounds (African American, Asian, Latino, and White), disciplines (Criminology or Criminal Justice, Family Relations, Law, Public Policy, Political Science, Social Work, and Sociology), and stages of career (assistant-, associate-, and full-professors, and graduate students) whose work is oriented to (1) broadening... Learn More


WORKSHOP: Prisoner Reentry and Reintegration: Improving Data Collection and Methodology to Advance Theory and Knowledge

Funding Agency: National Science Foundation (NSF)

Principal Investigator: Dr. Johnna Christian

Co-Principal Investigator: Elsa Chen & Andrea Leverentz

Abstract This workshop about prisoner reentry will bring together invited participants from academic institutions, policy organizations, and government to present original research and share knowledge about relevant theoretical perspectives, best practices for the generation of high quality data, and innovative methodologies. The United States experienced a lengthy period of unprecedented prison population growth, and as... Learn More


Availability of Employment Opportunities and Recidivism Outcomes

Funding Agency: National Science Foundation (NSF)

Principal Investigator: Dr. Robert Apel

Abstract The U.S. prison population continues to grow and devising policies to reduce recidivism and criminal justice expenditures is now a major bi-partisan priority. Policy makers are focusing on improving employment outcomes for former prisoners as a way of reducing recidivism and generating tax revenue. We propose a detailed study of the relationship between employment... Learn More


Probation officers’ compliance with the Youth Level of Service Inventory/Case Management Inventory (YLS/CMI): A multi-level study of post-implementation practice across Pennsylvania counties

Funding Agency: National Institute of Justice (NIJ)

Principal Investigator: Dr. Joel Miller

Abstract Structured risk and risk/needs assessment tools represent the cornerstone of decision-making within the Risk-Needs-Responsivity (RNR) model, yet little research examines how RNAs are used in practice. The proposed research examines the use of the Youth Level of Service/Case Management Inventory (YLS/CMI) among juvenile probation officers in Pennsylvania counties, several years after its implementation. In... Learn More


Next Generation Risk Terrain Modeling Software: Development and Sustainability

Funding Agency: National Institute of Justice (NIJ)

Principal Investigator: Dr. Leslie Kennedy

Abstract To develop a “commercial” quality software application for risk terrain modeling to aid public safety researchers and practitioners in crime analysis, forecasting, resource allocation, prevention, and risk reduction efforts. Deliverables will include a financially sustainable (i.e., beyond the funding support requested here) software application, as well as user manuals, a training curriculum, and related... Learn More


Race, Place & Discretion in the Prosecution of Drug-Free Zone Charges

Funding Agency: National Science Foundation (NSF)

Principal Investigator: Dr. Elizabeth Griffiths

Abstract Since the 1980s, all states have passed “drug-free zone” laws providing added penalties for offenders charged with distributing, or possessing with the intent to distribute, any controlled substance in public locations surrounding schools, parks, and public housing. These laws are intended to keep illicit substances out of areas where children congregate, protect children from... Learn More