Targeting Violent Crime Initiative
Funding Agency: The State of New Jersey office of the Attorney General
Principal Investigator: Todd Clear
Co-Principal Investigator: Wayne Fisher
Abstract: In 2010, the New Jersey Division of Criminal Justice awarded Targeting Violent Crime Initiative (TVCI) funding to seven municipal police departments operating in municipalities experiencing high rates of violent crime. As indicated in aJune 8, 2010letter to Dean Todd Clear, “The mission of TVCI is to reduce violent crime through intelligence-led policing initiatives…” The letter further stated that the seven cities receiving program funding could employ same “…to support crime analysts, software, training and/or directed overtime patrols, that are directly linked to intelligence-led policing.” That same letter also stated that TVCI funding for the Rutgers University School of Criminal Justice was provided, “to assist with the implementation and evaluation of program outcomes.” Toward that end, the School of Criminal Justice undertook the effort.