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Caplan, J.M., Neudecker, C.H.*, Kennedy, L.W., Barnum, J.D., & Drawve, G. (2021). Tracking risk for crime throughout the day: An Examination of Jersey City robberies. Criminal Justice Review. December 2021.

This study examines temporal variations in the spatial influence of environmental features, such as bars and vacant buildings, on criminal behavior across microlevel places. Specifically, 17 environmental risk factors and their spatial influences are identified for calendar year 2014 street robberies in Jersey City, NJ. To explore temporal variation, risk factors and their spatial influences... Learn More


Berryessa, C.M. (2021). Developmental and life course criminology in discretionary judicial waivers. Journal of Development and Life Course-Criminology.

The current research, using qualitative methodology and grounded theory analysis for model building, examines if and how juvenile court judges draw from developmental and life course criminology (DLC) in discretionary judicial waivers. This study develops three progressive models, emerging from interviews with juvenile court judges from two large Southern states (N = 30), that demonstrate how principles... Learn More


Berryessa, C. M. (2021). Defendants with autism spectrum disorder in criminal court: A judges’ toolkit. Drexel Law Review.

This article acts as a toolkit for members of the judiciary on defendants with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), and specifically looks to equip judges with knowledge, evidence, and resources on recognizing and understanding symptoms of ASD in order to better identify and evaluate diagnosed defendants and their offending behavior. This will allow judges to have... Learn More


Giménez Santana, A., Caplan, J.M., Kennedy, L.W(2021). Data-Informed Community Engagement: The Newark Public Safety Collaborative. In E. Piza & B. Welsh (Eds). The Globalization of Evidence-Based Policing: Innovations in Bridging the Research-Practice Divide. London, UK: Routledge Press.

Evidence-based policing is based on the straightforward, but powerful, idea that crime prevention and crime control policy should be based on what works best in promoting public safety, as determined by the best available scientific evidence. Bringing together leading academics and practitioners, this book explores a wide range of case studies from around the world... Learn More


Campbell, W., Griffiths, E. & Hinkle, J. (2021). The behavior of police: Class, race, and discretion in drug enforcement. Police Practice and Research: An International Journal.

Police officers act under highly variable constraints. Some drug arrests occur on routine patrols in which officers’ exercise discretion, others are a product of departmental priorities, and the remainder occur after police are called to the scene. In his treatise on the Behavior of Law, Donald Black asserted that law behaves directionally according to rank, status,... Learn More


Braga, A., Griffiths, E., Sheppard, K., & Douglas, S. (2021). Firearms instrumentality: How do we know that guns make situations more lethal?  Annual Review of Criminology, Volume 4

One of the central debates animating the interpretation of gun research for public policy is the question of whether the presence of firearms independently makes violent situations more lethal, known as an instrumentality effect, or whether determined offenders will simply substitute other weapons to affect fatalities in the absence of guns. The latter position assumes... Learn More


Kennedy, L. W., Caplan, J. M., Garnier, S. Lersch, K., Miró-Llinares, F., Gibbs Van Brunschot, E. E., & Lopez, D. (2021). Using evidence based analytics to create narratives for police decision making[Editorial Introduction]. Frontiers in Psychology.

Pressure for reform of modern policing has come from the combined demands of greater accountability, transparency and citizen demand for more culturally sensitive responses. The community policing strategies that have emerged from these reforms have led to an increased interest in the ways that police manage decision making when applying principles of crime control and... Learn More


Kennedy, L. W., Caplan, J. M., & Drawve, G. (2021). Data-Informed Crime Prevention at Convenience Stores in Atlantic City. Police Practice and Research.

The Atlantic City Police Department intervened to reduce robberies with an evidence-based approach grounded in problem-oriented policing. Informed by risk terrain modeling and hot spot analysis, police commanders implemented a place-based intervention focused around convenience stores. Target areas throughout the city were reprioritized each month to create a dynamic deployment strategy that efficiently allocated resources... Learn More


Caplan, J. M., Kennedy, L. W., Drawve, G., & Baughman, J. (2021). Data-Informed and Place-Based Violent Crime Prevention: The Kansas City, Missouri Risk-Based Policing Initiative. Police Quarterly.

The Kansas City, Missouri Police Department sought to reduce violent crime with an evidence-based approach to problem analysis and intervention planning. Informed by hot spot analysis and risk terrain modeling, police and their community partners implemented a place-based crime intervention program focused on key attractors and generators of the environmental backcloth. Target and comparison areas... Learn More


Caplan, J. M., Neudecker, C.* Kennedy, L., Drawve, G., & Barnum, J.* (2021). Tracking Risk for Crime Throughout the Day: An Examination of Jersey City Robberies. Criminal Justice Review, 46(2), 259-273

This study examines temporal variations in the spatial influence of environmental features, such as bars and vacant buildings, on criminal behavior across microlevel places. Specifically, 17 environmental risk factors and their spatial influences are identified for calendar year 2014 street robberies in Jersey City, NJ. To explore temporal variation, risk factors and their spatial influences... Learn More