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Semenza, D., Griffiths, E., Xu, J., & Stansfield, R. (2022). Firearms dealers and local gun violence: A street network analysis of shootings and concentrated disadvantage in Atlanta.  Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency.

Without consideration of concentrated neighborhood disadvantage, firearm dealers and shootings are spatially unrelated to one another. Tract-level disadvantage influences the relationship between firearm dealers and shootings wherein dealers significantly attract shootings in disadvantaged neighborhoods. Conversely, shootings are located further from gun stores in non-disadvantaged communities. Shootings related to manslaughter and assault, but not robbery, are... Learn More


de Vel-Palumbo, M. & Berryessa, C.M.  (2022). When bad things happen to rotten people: Indifference to incidental harms in the criminal justice system. Psychology, Crime and Law.

When we see others in pain, sympathy is often our instinctive and expected response. Yet in some cases, we may be indifferent to—and even take pleasure in—the suffering of others. Particularly, the public has historically expressed apathy toward and even endorsement of incidental harms experienced by those in the criminal justice system (i.e. catching a disease or... Learn More


Baćak, V., DeWitt, S., & Reid, S. (In press). Gang membership and mental health during the transition to adulthood. Journal of Quantitative Criminology.

Objectives: There is an increasing understanding that mental health may be a collateral consequence of joining a gang. The objective of the present study is to assess the effect of gang joining on a set of diverse mental health outcomes that include depression, anxiety, hostility, and paranoid ideation. Methods: To reduce bias in our comparisons,... Learn More


Baćak, V. & Apel, R. (In press). The thin blue line of health: Police contact and wellbeing in Europe. Social Science & Medicine.

Increasing evidence suggests that even minor forms of contact with the criminal justice system-such as being stopped by police-may be implicated in poor health. Police use of force can increase the risk of physical injury, whereas interactions accompanied by abusive rhetoric or threats can lead to psychological and emotional harm. Police contact may also have... Learn More


Hagan, J., McCarthy, B., & Herda, D. (2022). Chicago’s reckoning: Racism, politics, and the deep history of policing in an American city. New York: Oxford University Press.

A searing examination of the long history of police misconduct and political corruption in Chicago that produced the city’s current racial reckoning Chicago faces a racial reckoning. For over 50 years, Chicago Mayors Richard J. and Richard M. Daley were at the helm of a law-and-order dynasty that disadvantaged predominantly Black and Brown neighborhoods and... Learn More


Shi, L., Silver, J. R., & Hickert, A. (In press.) Conceptualizing and measuring public stigma towards people with prison records. Criminal Justice and Behavior.

Public stigma towards people with prison records hinders reentry initiatives. Although it is widely discussed in corrections, its measurement has been study-specific. Based on existing literature, we develop and test a multidimensional public stigma scale. We examine the factor structure and dimensionality of the scale using a Qualtrics Panel sample of U.S. adults (N =... Learn More