
If you have been away from the university for two or more semesters, you need to complete a readmission application to reactive your status in the Master of Arts or Doctoral program at Rutgers School of Criminal Justice. The School of Criminal Justice’s Office of Academic Programs and Student Services, not the admissions office, is the first stop for applications by former students who are seeking readmission to the School of Criminal Justice.
The readmission procedure is required of all students who:
Have withdrawn officially from the School of Criminal Justice; did not receive a degree in the program for which they were enrolled; or failed to maintain continuous through coursework or matriculation continued status.
These readmission criteria are minimum requirements. Meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee readmission. The amount of time since the last course enrollment at SCJ may be a deciding factor in readmission consideration.
Applications for readmission are normally considered only on August 1 (fall admission), December 1 (spring admission) and May 1 (summer admission). Decisions on readmission to the MA program (Sch. 27) are made by the MA Program Director in consultation with the MA Academic Oversight Committee. Decisions on readmission to the PhD program (Sch. 26) are made by the PhD Program Director in consultation with the PhD Academic Oversight Committee and the Graduate School-Newark Dean.
Students who have been dismissed from their program by the MA Academic Oversight Committee cannot be considered for readmission.
For reapplication for the Masters program (Sch.27), download and complete an online application for readmission at Please submit the signed form to the School of Criminal Justice’s Office of Academic Programs and Student Services (123 Washington Street, Suite 578) with a check/money order made out to Rutgers University in the amount of $60. For additional information, email
For reapplication to the PhD program (Sch.26), complete an online application at Please submit the signed form to the Graduate School-Newark office (241 Conklin Hall) with a check/money order made out to Rutgers University in the amount of $60.