Minor, Criminal Justice

Students who are not a part of the School of Criminal Justice can declare a minor in Criminal Justice. This minor consists of 18 credits:
2 courses which are required-
- Introduction to Criminal Justice (47:202:103)
- Criminology (47:202:102)
Additionally, students are required to take (4) Criminal Justice elective courses – which can be found under the subject tab in the schedule of classes (equaling in 12 credits total). These courses can be anything listed under the Criminal Justice tab, however two courses that do NOT count towards the minor are Criminal Justice Research Methods (47:202:301) and Data Analysis in Criminal Justice (47:202:302). If either of these courses are taken, you will not receive credit towards your minor.
To declare Criminal Justice as your second concentration- you can send your Declaration form to Dr. Christal Harry at: charry@scj.rutgers.edu. Any questions about courses, curriculum, and advisement can also be directed to Dr. Harry for review and assistance.
Click here to access the declaration form.