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Felipe Salazar Tobar

Office Location

CLJ, 559

Areas of Specialization

Comparative Criminology
Criminal Justice Policy Diffusion
Crime Prevention
Crime and Violence in Latin America
Hate Crimes
Mixed Methods, Social Networks Analysis


Felipe is a doctoral student in the School of Criminal Justice at Rutgers University, Newark. He holds a B.A in Sociology (Alberto Hurtado University, Chile) and a M.A in Criminal Justice (Rutgers University). His research focuses on neighborhoods and violence, fear of crime, police legitimacy and crime prevention policy. During his professional career, Felipe worked as a research analysist and government advisor for the Chilean Ministry of Interior and Public Safety and his previous research experience includes projects with the Security and Citizenship program for the Latin American School of Social Science (FLACSO-Chile) and Vera Institute of Justice as research intern. Currently, Felipe’s research aims to bridge the gap between academic research and public policy in the field of criminology, criminal justice policy and citizen security in Latin America.