Brandon Turchan
Research Areas
Crime Prevention Strategies
Violent Crime
Gun Violence

Turchan, B. (in press). High Profile Police-Involved Shootings and Officers’ Perceptions of Legitimacy: Insights from a Natural Experiment. Journal of Experimental Criminology [available online first].
Barao, L., Braga, A. A., Turchan, B. & Cook, P.J. (in press). Clearing Gangand Drug-Involved Nonfatal Shootings. Policing: An International Journal.
Braga, A. A., Brunson, R.K., Cook, P.J., Turchan, B. & Wade, B. (in press). Underground Gun Markets and the Flow of Illegal Guns into the Bronx and Brooklyn: A Mixed Methods Analysis. Journal of Urban Health [available online first].
Pizarro, J. M., Sadler, R.C., Goldstick, J., Turchan, B., McGarrell, E.F. & Zimmerman, M.A. (2020). Community Driven Order Maintenance: Crime Prevention via a Clean and Green Initiative in a Legacy City. Urban Studies, 57(14): 2956-2972.
Braga, A. A., Turchan, B., Hureau, D.M. & Papachristos, A.V. (2019). Hot Spots Policing and Crime Reduction: An Update of an Ongoing Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 15(3): 289-311.
Braga, A. A., Weisburd, D.L. & Turchan, B. (2019). Focused Deterrence Strategies Effects on Crime: A Systematic Review. Campbell Systematic Reviews, 15(3): e1051.
Braga, A. A., Turchan, B., Hureau, D.M. & Papachristos, A.V. (2019). Hot Spots Policing of Small Geographic Areas Effects on Crime. Campbell Systematic Reviews, 15(3): e1046.
Turchan, B., Grubb, J., Pizarro, J.M. & McGarrell, E.F. (2019). Arsons in Flint: A Near Repeat Analysis in an Urban Setting. Security Journal, 32(3): 179-197.
Braga, A. A., Turchan, B., & Barao, L. (2019). The Influence of Investigative Resources on Homicide Clearances. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 35(2): 337-364.
Cook, P., Braga, A. A., Turchan, B., & Barao, L. (2019). Why Do Gun Murders Have Higher Clearance Rates than Gunshot Assaults? Criminology & Public Policy, 18(3): 525-551.
Braga, A. A., Weisburd, D.L. & Turchan, B. (2018). Focused Deterrence Strategies and Crime Control: An Updated Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of the Empirical Evidence. Criminology & Public Policy, 17(1): 205-250.
Sadler, R., Pizarro, J.M., Turchan, B., Gasteyer, S., & McGarrell, E.F. (2017). Exploring the Spatial-Temporal Relationships between a Community Greening Program and Neighborhood Rates of Crime. Applied Geography, 83: 13-26.
Turchan, B., Zeoli, A.M. & Kwiatkowski, C. (2017). Reacting to the Improbable: Handgun Carrying Permit Application Rates in the Wake of Mass Shootings. Homicide Studies, 21(4): 267-286.