Brandon McLeod
Assistant Professor, Jane Addams College of Social Work, University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC)

BRANDEN A. MCLEOD is an Assistant Professor at Jane Addams College of Social Work at University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC). Branden’s research relates to the well-being of African American (Black) males and their families and the experiences and outcomes of Black males who have had contact with the criminal justice system, with particular attention to their roles as fathers. Branden teaches social welfare policy and policy practice courses. Prior to joining UIC, Branden was a Clinical Assistant Professor and Director of Policy Initiatives in the School of Social Work at the University of Maryland–Baltimore (UMB). One of his most salient roles while at UMB was co-facilitating fatherhood groups at the federal Chesapeake Detention Center—a role that informed his research interests. Branden received his Ph.D. in Social Work from Morgan State University. During the SRI, he worked on a grant proposal entitled “Video Visitation in a Local Jail: A Pilot Study of Family Relationships.” SRI Mentor: Beth Huebner (University of St. Louis-Missouri); SRI Reviewer: Sara Wakefield (Rutgers University); SRI Peer Mentor: Michael Walker (University of Nebraska-Omaha).