Christina A. Campbell
Assistant Professor, School of Criminal Justice, University of Cincinnati

Professor Campbell earned a Ph.D. in Community Psychology at Michigan State University and a postdoctoral fellowship in the Department of Psychiatry, Division of Prevention and Community Research at Yale University. Her primary research interests include delinquency prevention, risk assessment, juvenile justice policy, and neighborhood ecology. She has also conducted research on racial and health disparities experienced by individuals who come in contact with the criminal justice and child welfare system, child welfare policy, juvenile sex offender assessments, and prisoner reentry. Her work has been published in various journals which include Criminal Justice and Behavior, Child and Youth Services Review, Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, Journal of Traumatic Stress, and Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice. She has received funding support for her research from the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities, National Institute on Drug Abuse, and the National Science Foundation. She is a member of the American Psychological Association, Society for Community Research and Action, American Society of Criminology, and the Racial Democracy, Crime & Justice Network. She teaches in the area of juvenile justice and corrections.