Janet Garcia-Hallett
Research Areas
Prisoner Reentry
Policing and Corrections
Qualitative Research Methods

Janet Garcia-Hallett received her Ph.D. from Rutgers School of Criminal Justice in 2017. As a doctoral student, Janet devoted her attention to increasing the life chances of disadvantaged groups in the criminal justice system. Her research was primarily focused on social justice issues across race/ethnicity and gender – particularly, the impact of incarceration on families and communities of color, the obstacles women face post-incarceration, as well as the racial-ethnic differences in policing strategies. Janet’s dissertation investigated how formerly incarcerated women navigate motherhood post-incarceration and how this process influences mothers’ ability to reintegrate back into society after imprisonment. Janet has also received numerous awards for her work, including the Rutgers Presidential Fellowship, the Rutgers Dissertation Fellowship, the A.S.C. Graduate Fellowship for Ethnic Minorities (currently known as the Ruth Peterson Fellowship for Racial and Ethnic Diversity), as well as the S.S.S.P. Racial/Ethnic Minority Graduate Scholarship.