Jennifer Cobbina
Associate Professor, School of Criminal Justice, Michigan State University

Jennifer E. Cobbina is an associate professor in the School of Criminal Justice at Michigan State University. Her primary research focuses on the issue of corrections, prisoner reentry and the understanding of recidivism and desistance among recently released female offenders. Her second primary research area is centered on examining how gender and social context impact victimization risks among minority youth. She is currently a co-principal investigator on a team of researchers that was awarded research grants from the National Science Foundation and the Michigan State University Foundation to examine how probation and parole officer interaction with female drug offenders affects recidivism, rule violations, and changes in crime-related needs. Dr. Cobbina’s work appears in Criminology, Justice Quarterly, Crime and Delinquency, Deviant Behavior, Journal of Criminal Justice, Sociological Inquiry, Journal of Drug Issues, Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, and Journal of Criminal Justice and Popular Culture.