Sadaf Hashimi
Research Areas
Collective Behavior
Illicit Markets
Economics of Crime
Social Network Analysis

Ouellet, M., Hashimi, S., Gravel, J., Dabney, D. (forthcoming) The promise of a network approach for policing research. Justice Quarterly.
Ouellet, M., Hashimi, S. (2019). Criminal group dynamics and network methods. In Deflem, M. and Silva, D. (Ed.), Methods of Criminology and Criminal Justice Research (Sociology of Crime, Law, and Deviance, Vol 24). Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing Limited. pp. 47-65.
Bouchard, M., Hashimi, S., Tsai, K., Lampkin, H., Jozaghi, E. (2018). Back to the core: A network approach to bolster harm reduction among persons who inject drugs. International Journal of Drug Policy, 51, 95-104.
Hashimi, S., Bouchard, M. (2017). On to the next one? Using network data to inform police target prioritization. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management, 40(4), 768-782.
Bouchard, M., Hashimi, S. (2017). When is a war a wave? Two approaches for the detection of waves in gang homicides. Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice, 59(2), 198-226.
Hashimi, S., Bouchard, M., Morselli, C., Ouellet M. (2016). A method to detect criminal organizations from police data. Methodological Innovations, 9, 1-14.