Course Descriptions & Syllabi

Graduate Courses
27:202:511 : Foundations of Criminological Theory (3)

This is the first course of a two-part graduate sequence, introducing students to the major theories of crime and criminal justice. It focuses on the foundations of criminological theory, with an emphasis on classical readings. It familiarizes students with key research questions and assumptions of theoretical approaches, their core propositions and challenges for measurement/testing, as well as policy implications. Required Course – Ph.D.

Syllabus – Fall 2024


27:202:513 : Issues in Criminal Justice (3)

In-depth study of a particular topic in criminal justice. Course topics vary by semester.

Fall 2022 – Accounting and Financial Basics: Syllabus

27:202:516 : Offender Rehabilitation (3 credits)

This course is designed to give graduate students a strong foundation in the theoretical underpinnings of offender rehabilitation and to examine current knowledge about best practices in promoting offender change. The course will examine interventions and programs in the context of correctional settings and in the community. In addition, the mechanisms of change related to personal identity will be examined, as will strengths-based approaches to change. Students should come away from the class with a sense of the state of the field concerning offender rehabilitation as well as practical concerns regarding program implementation and evaluation. The class will emphasize policy analysis and research experience.

Syllabus – Fall 2024


27:202:517 : Violent Crime (3)

Investigates and analyzes aggression and violence as forms of individual, group, and societal behavior. Includes an assessment of anthropological, biological, philosophical, political, and sociological theories. Combines student presentations and projects with lectures and tutorials.

27:202:518: Contemporary Criminological Theory (3 credits)

This is the second course in a two-part graduate sequence introducing students to the major theories of crime and criminal justice. It examines contemporary theoretical contributions in criminology and criminal justice. The aim is to familiarize students with key research questions and assumptions of contemporary theoretical approaches, their core propositions and challenges for measurement/testing, as well as policy implications. Prerequisite: 27:202:511. Required Course – Ph.D.

Syllabus – Spring 2025

27:202:521 : Criminal Justice Policy (3 credits)

This course is designed to give doctoral students a broad overview of criminal justice policies. It examines the goals and values underlying justice policy, the social construction of crime problems and the process of policy development, and the ways that policies shape the day-to-day working of the criminal justice system. It also investigates the specific institutions of the criminal justice system including the juvenile justice system, police, courts, and the correctional system, as well as the specific activities and processes carried out by these entities. The course will also provide an overview of best practices for formulating and evaluating criminal justice policy. Required Course – Ph.D.

Syllabus – Fall 2024


27:202:522 : Research and Evaluation (3 credits)

This course provides a basic introduction to research design in the social sciences, with an emphasis on criminology and criminal justice applications. Students will learn the steps required for framing an empirical question and be introduced to a variety of research methodologies. The course will provide equal emphasis on causal-explanatory, exploratory-descriptive, and qualitative designs, and students will learn the strengths and weaknesses of each. Required Course – M.A.

Syllabus – Spring 2025

27:202:523 : Data Analysis and Management (3 credits)

The course provides an introduction to methods for analyzing quantitative criminal justice data. Emphasis is placed on understanding data in relation to key methodological concepts, including units of analysis, variables, measurement, and associations. It will teach strategies for presenting data patterns graphically, describing distributions and relationships through summary statistics, and drawing conclusions about sampled populations using inferential statistical methods, including statistical models. In doing so, it will teach methods for assessing univariate, bivariate and multivariate patterns and relationships. Required Course – M.A.

Syllabus – Fall 2024


27:202:525 : Justice, Law and Policy (3 credits)

Multidisciplinary overview of key institutions, processes, and policy issues regarding crime and justice. Includes readings and discussion on: traditional criminal justice institutions and processes; the role of private sector and community organizations in crime control; law and justice policy in a federal system; crime prevention and institutional responses to crime; emerging cross-national issues in crime, law, and policy. Required Course – M.A.

Syllabus – Fall 2024


27:202:531 : Probation, Parole, and Intermediate Sanctions (3 credits)

Analysis of the theories and practices of probation, parole, and intermediate sanctions. Emphasis on understanding—as human-service organizations—the functions of probation, parole, and intermediate sanctions. Special attention given to policy developments in the field.

27:202:532 : Corrections (3 credits)

Traces the historical development of institutions for confinement and analyzes present trends in correctional practice. Reviews characteristics of various correctional policies and analyzes prison life. Special emphasis on current trends and controversies.

Syllabus – Fall 2023

27:202:533 : Policing (3 credits)

Examines the police role and law enforcement policy, police organization, personnel issues, management, and operations, as well as coordination and consolidation of police service, police integrity, and community relations.

Syllabus – Spring 2025

27:202:535 : Juvenile Justice (3 credits)

Focuses on history and philosophy of juvenile justice, landmark court cases, police handling of juveniles, the juvenile court, and juvenile corrections and rehabilitation.

Syllabus – Fall 2023

27:202:536 : Comparative Crime and Criminal Justice (3 credits)

This course examines crime and criminal justice from a comparative, cross-national perspective. It investigates the benefits and challenges of comparative research on crime and justice, examines the relationship between crime rates and differential criminal justice systems, and analyzes cases that reveal how globalization and socioeconomic development indicators shape the nature of contemporary crime and criminal justice practices.

27:202:537 : Race, Crime and Justice (3 credits)

This course examines the overrepresentation of racial minorities in the criminal justice system. Specifically, it will examine group differences in offending, processing, and victimization. It also analyzes the ways that theory and practice intersect and are mediated by other social factors.

27:202:539 : Gender, Crime and Justice (3 credits)

This course examines the role of gender in crime, criminology and criminal justice. The course framework and readings emphasize theoretical frameworks brought to bear in the study of gender, emphasizing the social structures of gender, social constructions of gender, symbolic meaning systems, and intersections of race, class and gender. Topics include the impact and nature of gender in crime commission, criminal victimization, and criminal justice processing.

27:202:542 : Introductory Statistics (3 credits)

This is the first course of a two-part graduate sequence in statistics. It is an introduction to statistics and provides the background necessary for Intermediate Statistics. The topics to be covered include descriptive statistics, point and interval estimation, statistical inference, measures of association for discrete variables, and regression. No previous knowledge of statistics is necessary; however, the course assumes that students will eventually use statistics in their own research. The subject matter will be covered in enough depth for this to be possible.

Syllabus – Fall 2024


27:202:543 : Intermediate Statistics (3 credits)

This is the second course of a two-part graduate sequence in statistics. It is an introduction to the general linear model, including underlying assumptions and diagnostic tests. An introduction to the binary response model will also be provided. The use of the computer for data analysis will be an integral part of the course. Prerequisite: 27:202:542. Co-requisite: 27:202:640. Required Course – Ph.D.

27:202:553 : Master's Project Seminar (3 credits)

This seminar-style class will examine how research informs policy through deep engagement in one or more written projects driven by individual student interests and as approved by the instructor. Students will be expected to produce high-quality professional documents, such as grant proposals, policy briefs, and research papers. Required Course – M.A.

Syllabus – Spring 2025

27:202:555: MA Internship (3 credits)

First-hand experience in the day-to-day operation of a criminal justice or related agency in government, research or non-profit settings involving 150 hours of on-site placement and participation (but no classroom time). The internship is supervised by the SCJ Director of Community Outreach and a practitioner in the internship-placement area. Requires an agreement between the school, the student intern, and the internship site/agency, and clearly defined deliverables and evaluation parameters. There are no prerequisites to enroll.

Syllabus – Spring 2025

27:202:562 : Accounting and Financial Basics (3 credits)

This course will present an overview of basic accounting and economic concepts as a foundation in criminal justice. The course will focus on financial compliance and governance, by providing an overview of global and domestic financial regulatory framework. Students will be taught the importance of culture of compliance, internal controls and financial ethics. This Course will introduce students into emerging financial market trends such as the fintech and the crypto world. Special emphasis would be placed on white collar financial crimes. Intersection of Criminal Justice in Financial Service will be covered in a unique angle. The course will include guest lecturers.

Syllabus – Fall 2024

27:202:563 : Financial Crime 1: Fraud Examination and Financial Crime (3 credits)

This course is designed for both students and professionals in the public and private sectors who are focused on understanding and combating financial crime. It provides an in-depth exploration of fraud, financial crime risks, investigations, and cybersecurity. The curriculum emphasizes practical, hands-on learning over theory, utilizing real-world data and case-solving techniques. This is a core course required for the Rutgers School of Criminal Justice Financial Crime Certificate program.

Syllabus – Fall 2024


27:202:564 : Financial Crime II: Anti-Money Laundering, Anti Bribery and Corruption (3 credits)

This course is designed for students and professionals in law enforcement, regulatory compliance, and business, especially those pursuing careers in financial services. It provides a comprehensive overview of anti-money laundering (AML) programs, detailing money laundering techniques, investigative methods, and the AML frameworks financial institutions must implement. The course also covers anti-bribery and corruption, focusing on the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and its implications for businesses. Additionally, the course is highly relevant for students in logistics and supply chain management.

27:202:602 : Police and Crime Control (3 credits)

This class examines major police innovations, such as community policing, broken windows policing, problem-oriented policing, ―pulling levers‖ policing, third-party policing, hot spots policing, Compstat, and evidence-based policing. It considers the evidence on crime control and public safety impacts generated by these approaches, the extent of the implementation of these new approaches in police departments, dilemmas these approaches have created for police management, and critical issues that persist for the policing profession in launching effective crime control strategies such as race, community engagement, and police legitimacy.

27:202:603 : Place-Based Community Crime Prevention (3 credits)

This course relates urban design and management to crime and crime reduction. The course is presented through the critical lens of problem-oriented policing and situational crime prevention to reducing local crime. It emphasizes evidence-based decision-making, community engagement, efficient utilization of resources, transparency, and sustainability. This course provides a practical study of policies and programs that demonstrates how police and other organizations can address crime vulnerabilities and exposures in the communities they serve through strategies that go beyond specific deterrence of offenders. This course may count towards an MA certificate, Spatial Analysis for Public Safety and Security.

Syllabus – Spring 2025

27:202:605 : Foundations in GIS for Crime Mapping and Public Safety (3 credits)

This course introduces the theory and practice of geographic information systems (GIS) for public safety. This hands-on course teaches students how to produce crime maps and analyze geographic crime data. The class presents the theories of “crime and place” and how contemporary spatial analysis techniques inform place-based crime prevention strategies, assist in problem-solving activities, and support the co-production of public safety. This course may count towards an MA certificate, Spatial Analysis for Public Safety and Security.

Syllabus – Fall 2024


27:202:606: Advanced Methods in GIS for Crime Mapping and Public Safety (3 credits)

This course teaches students advanced crime analysis techniques by building on the skills acquired in Foundations in GIS for Crime Mapping and Public Safety. This hands-on course teaches students how to further their understanding of geographic information systems (GIS) to produce crime maps and analyze crime patterns. The course emphasizes the utility of spatial crime analysis to support hyperlocal co-production efforts and evaluate the impact of crime prevention programs and activities. This course may count towards an MA certificate, Spatial Analysis for Public Safety and Security. Prerequisite: 605 Foundations in GIS for Crime Mapping and Public Safety or approval of the instructor.

27:202:610 : Crime Control Theory and Research (3 credits)

Seminar. Analyze theory and research on crime control, including theories of deterrence and social control, their applications in crime control strategies, and the impacts of crime control strategies based on general and specific deterrence, as well as incapacitation strategies. Review and critique research on the effects of criminal and civil legal sanctions and problems in implementing effective sanctions. Methodological issues in the research on crime control assessed. Research on applications of crime control theory to specific crime problems reviewed.

27:202:612 : White Collar Crime (3 credits)

Surveys the history and scope of the study of white-collar crime. Discusses issues of definition, examines empirical evidence, and reviews the contributions of white-collar crime studies.

27:202:613 : Victimization (3 credits)

This course examines the risks and consequences of crime for its victims. Issues considered include victim-offender relationships, characteristics of victims, the nature of the injuries they experience, and criminal justice procedures that involve them.

27:202:614 : Communities and Crime (3 credits)

Surveys and analyzes literature on the demography and ecology of crime. Includes reviews of research and theory that address the influences of economics, demography, social organization, and political economy on crimes within cities and neighborhoods. Combines student presentations of published articles with lectures, tutorials, and student projects.

27:202:616 : Environmental Crime Prevention (3 credits)

Theoretical background to opportunity-reducing crime prevention through situational prevention (including key concepts of rational choice and displacement) and its relationship to crime prevention through environmental design, defensible space, and problem-oriented policing. Case studies illustrate the practical and policy difficulties of situational prevention.

27:202:618 : Human Smuggling and Trafficking (3 credits)

This course is an examination of two transnational criminal enterprises, the smuggling and trafficking of persons, that draw on similar criminal groups, methods, and motives. It covers analytic approaches to studying the topics; the role of organized and other forms of crime to each; how agents operate in specific geographic contexts; and how state and non-state actors are responding to the smuggling and trafficking of persons.

27:202:619 : Organized Crime (3 credits)

This course defines organized crime and its history and examines criminological theories to explain it. It also covers nontraditional or so-called emergent organized crime groups, such as urban street gangs, motorcycle gangs, and prison gangs. The course examines various investigation, prosecution, and sentencing policies and considers the policy implications for the future.

27:202:622 : Gangs (3 credits)

This course examines theory, measurement and research on gangs and gang activity, including definitional issues; gangs in historical context; theories of gang formation; types of gangs; gang involvement in crime, drugs and violence; and gangs in the international context. It also examines gang control programs and policies.

27:202:633 : Evidence and Criminal Justice Policy (3 credits)

This course provides a critical introduction to (i) the policy-making process and the role of research evidence and (ii) approaches to generating evidence about effective criminal justice policies. The course will highlight contemporary debates about the role of experimental and non-experimental research, the accumulation of knowledge, large-scale implementation of promising programs, factors that compete with evidence in real-world policy-making, and problematic consequences of evidence-based approaches.

27:202:640 : Research Methods (3 credits)

Analyzes research strategies and methods for research in criminal justice and criminology. Includes analysis of links between theories and methods. Provides a detailed review of quantitative and qualitative methods, including research design, sampling, measurement, data collection, and ethical concerns. Co-requisite: 27:202:543 Prerequisites: basic knowledge of research design in the social sciences. Required Course – Ph.D.

27:202:641 : Advanced Statistics (3)

Topics vary yearly and may include one or more of the following: design and analysis of longitudinal research, including time series analysis and panel models; quantitative methods for categorical and limited dependent variables; quasi-experimental methods for observational data; or other topics. The course may be repeated for credit when topics change. The use of the computer for data analysis will be an integral part of the course. Prerequisites: 27:202:542, 27:202:543, 27:202:640.

Syllabus – Fall 2024

27:202:645 : Advanced Scholarship (3 credits)

Preparation of a paper for submission to a peer-reviewed journal. All aspects of paper presentation addressed, and the differences between a paper for publication in a journal and other forms of professional writing (such as proposal- and report-writing) explored. Prerequisite: 27:202:541 or enrollment in the doctoral program.

27:202:647 : Research Design for Causal Inference (3 credits)

This course will provide a tutorial on research design features (as opposed to statistical models) that enhance a researcher ‘s ability to establish cause-effect relationships. Such features generally include a well-defined intervention, a generalizable research setting, pre-and post-test measures, comparable treatment and comparison groups, and random assignment. The course will emphasize the potential threats to causal inference that arise when at least one of these elements is absent, compromised, or poorly approximated. Prerequisites: 27:202:542, 27:202:543, 27:202:640.

27:202:648 : Qualitative Research Methods (3 credits)

Ethnographic and qualitative field methods and their applications to problems of crime and criminal justice. Includes definition of appropriate research problems; data collection, interviewing, and participant observation; ethical issues of protecting human subjects; coding and analysis of qualitative data; inductive theory construction; presentation of findings; and coordinating qualitative with quantitative methods. Requires collection and analysis of some original data. Also includes microcomputer-based qualitative data analysis techniques. Prerequisite: 27:202:640.

Syllabus – Fall 2023

27:202:650 : Independent Study (3 credits)

An Independent Study is an opportunity for a student to work closely with a full-time faculty member in the School of Criminal Justice on independent research or a special project. A student may take one (1), one (1) to three (3) credit independent study course per term with approval from the program director. A student may take no more than two (2) independent studies, for a total of six (6) credits towards the completion of their degree.


The student arranges independent study through contact with an individual faculty member who has interests or expertise that match those of the student. Substantial initiative and preparation are normally required, and these are the responsibility of students who wish to arrange for independent study. Students will earn academic credit by completing a written research project, which is evaluated and graded by the supervised faculty member.


In most cases, an independent study is arranged to provide instruction in areas not offered through regular courses. Proposed independent study arrangements that duplicate or closely follow scheduled courses will not be approved.


To be eligible for independent study, MA or PhD students must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher. A master’s degree student needs to complete six (6) credits of coursework before enrolling in an independent study course, unless approved by the M.A. director. A doctoral student must complete eighteen (18) credits of coursework before enrolling in an independent study course, unless approved by the Ph.D. director. In addition, the student must complete an “Application for Supervised Academic Work” and prepare a short proposal detailing the work plan and research or project they wish to undertake. Application and proposal must be submitted to the student’s program director for approval before the start of classes in the semester the student wishes to take the independent study. Students whose applications are not accepted will be informed in writing.


Meeting times will be determined by the faculty advisor upon consultation with the student.

27:202:652 : Issues in Criminology (3 credits)

In-depth study of a particular topic in criminology. Course topics vary by semester.

Syllabus – Fall 2024

27:202:653 : Issues in Criminology II (3 credits)

In-depth study of a particular topic in criminology. Course topics vary by semester.

Syllabus – Spring 2025

26:202:701,702,703,704 : Dissertation Research in Criminal Justice (3, 3, 3, BA)

Required of all students involved in preparation, data collection and writing of Ph.D. doctoral dissertation.

27:202:800: Matriculation Continued (M.A.)
26:202:800 : Matriculation Continued (Ph.D.)
27:202:877 : Teaching Assistantship

Students who hold teaching assistantships are required to enroll in this course for 3 or 6 “E” credits per term.