Dr. Faye Taxman
University Professor Criminology, Law, & Society Director, Center for Advancing Correctional Excellence George Mason University
Contact Info
George Mason University
Criminology, Law, & Society
Patriot Square 1904
4400 University Drive, 4F4
Fairfax, VA 22030

Faye S Taxman, Ph.D. is a University Professor in the Criminology, Law and Society Department and Director of the Advancing Correctional Excellence Center at George Mason University. Dr. Taxman is recognized for her work in the development of the seamless systems of care models that link the criminal justice with other service delivery systems as well as reengineering probation and parole supervision services. She has active “laboratories” with her nearly 20 year agreement with the Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services; she has been a PI of one of the National Institute on Drug Abuse’s research centers in the Criminal Justice Drug Abuse Treatment Studies (CJ-DATS) network. She has received numerous awards including a Fellow of the Academy of Experimental Criminology and the Distinguished Scholar from the American Society of Criminology’s Division on Sentencing and Corrections.