Dr. Jason Silver
Associate Professor
Ph.D. (2018) Criminal Justice, University at Albany, SUNY; M.A. (2015) Criminal Justice, University at Albany, SUNY; B.S. & B.A. (2013) Crime, Law, and Justice & Sociology, Penn State University
Office Location
CLJ, 579 D
Office Hours
Tuesdays 2:00-4:00 PM
Areas of Specialization
Morality and ideology
Public opinion about crime and criminal justice
Police-citizen relations

Jason R. Silver is an Associate Professor in the School of Criminal Justice at Rutgers University-Newark. He received his Ph.D. in Criminal Justice from the University at Albany, SUNY in 2018. Broadly, his research centers on exploring the roles of morality and ideology in shaping how people approach criminal justice and crime. His work to date has explored moral and ideological drivers of public attitudes about crime and criminal justice, including punishment preferences and perceptions of the police, as well as how morality and ideology may inform decision-making among court actors and people who engage in crime.
Recent Publications
Felson, R. B., Silver, E., & Silver, J. R. Reactions to sexual and monetary bribes. (2025). Journal of Experimental Criminology, advance online publication.
Silver, J. R., Shi, L., & Hickert, A. (2024). Stigmatizing “evildoers”: How beliefs about evil and public stigma explain criminal justice policy preferences. Psychology, Crime, and Law, advance online publication.
Silver, J. R., & Ulmer, J. T. (2024). Moral intuitions, punishment ideology, and judicial sentencing. Journal of Crime and Justice, 47(2), 219-240.
Hickert, A., Shi, L., & Silver, J. R. (2024). Is compassion the flip side of punitiveness? Incorporating COVID-19 crisis in experimental vignettes to examine support for visitation & vaccination in prison. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 20, 1-22.
Silver, J. R., & Moule, R. K. (2023). Should we defund “bad police” or reform “bad policing”? Examining person-centered and act-based moral evaluations of police and policing policy preferences. Crime and Delinquency, advance online publication.
Silver, E., Ulmer, J. T., & Silver, J. R. (2023). Do moral intuitions influence judges’ sentencing decisions? A multilevel study of criminal court sentencing in Pennsylvania. Social Science Research, 15, 102927.
Silver, J. R., & Shi, L. (2023). Punishing protesters on the “other side”: Partisan bias in public support for repressive and punitive responses to protest violence. Socius, advance online publication.