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Jordan Costa

Research Areas

Structural Violence
Gun Violence
Violence Prevention
Intersection of Public Health and Public Safety


Ostermann, M., Costa, J, & Hohl, B. (2020). “Back-end Sentencing and Opting Out of the Parole Process: Two Areas for Further Study in Corrections Research.” Handbook on Moving Sentencing and Corrections Forward.

Costa, J. and Azari. A. (2021). “The Impact of Policy and Law Enforcement Strategies on Reducing Gun Violence in America.” Why Are We Losing the War on Gun Violence in the United States.


Jordan Costa began her PhD at Rutgers – Newark in 2018. Her primary research interests include structural violence and violence prevention. Jordan specifically investigates how systems engage in the perpetuation of preventable harm and avertable death, in addition to community-based interventions for violence reduction. She has worked extensively in service provision connecting young men who have been violently injured to the appropriate social services through hospital-based violence intervention programs and has also tutored in jails and prisons. Additionally, she has experience in philanthropy and the non-profit sector conducting research and supporting strategies for projects on violence reduction and reentry readiness. Jordan holds a Bachelors in Psychology and Criminology/Criminal Justice from the University of Maryland, College Park and a Masters from Rutgers – Newark.

Recent Awards


Rutgers Criminal Justice Research Award for a project that will look at individuals’ motivations for identifying with the Black Lives Matter and Blue Lives Matter in cities where protests have erupted in an effort to understand if such identification is related to legitimacy or supremacy.